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On August 22, Forbes.com (www.forbes.com) published an opinion piece from editor Michael Noer titled Don’t Marry Career Women (http://www.forbes.com/home/2006/08/23/Marriage -Careers-Divorce_cx_mn_land.html), the argument of which was…exactly what the title suggests.  One can’t help suspecting that the actual purpose of this article was to spark "debate" in the helpfully linked reader discussion area (http://forums.forbes.com/forbes/board?board.id =respond_marry_career_woman); the name for this kind of behavior elsewhere on the Internet is trolling (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll) and usually is responded to with the injunction “don’t feed the troll." 

Certainly, at any rate, Forbes.com got a lot of free attention out of it all.   Wrath and mockery unsurprisingly rained down for the next several days, with BoingBoing (http://www.boingboing.net/2006/08/22/dont_marr y_career_me.html) and Gawker (http://www.gawker.com/news/forbes/shocker-forb es-recommends-trophy-wives-196091.php) connecting many to the piece.  The latter created a parody (http://www.gawker.com/news/forbes/gawker-cliff snotes-dont-marry-career-women-196165.php) of the story’s attached slideshow, which seems to have been taken down at the original site.  So many others around the internet have followed suit that Kevin Heller at Tech Law Advisor (http://techlawadvisor.com/2006/08/24/dont_marr y_career_women_if.html) suggests Forbes put the article under a CC license (http://www.darknet.com/2006/08/creative_common .html) so they can gather even more publicity. 

Meanwhile, the original article has been placed side by side with a companion piece by fellow Forbes writer Elizabeth Corcoran, due, says the page’s new introduction, to the “heated response."   This is titled "Don’t Marry Lazy Men," and in accordance with that title falls at about the same level of subtlety as the story it claims to be refuting.  I am left, in consequence, wondering whether my suspicion that it was all done from the beginning as a ploy for publicity means I’m too cynical, or not cynical enough.  Possibly I just don’t want to believe that prominent writers in major media sources can be that ingenuously dumb.  No, I don’t know where I’ve been for the last twenty years either.


On the right:

Armor of God pyjamas

On the left:

Daddy Kills Animals comic book
http://www.fishinghurts.com/pdfs/DaddyKillsAni mals.pdf

Which children will need more therapy in 20 years? Discuss.


Today's fun links:

Fun with old posters and Photoshop! (http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=3 685) I really need to rewatch "Temple of Doom." I can fast forward through the parts where Willie is talking, right?

Somehow, "Ruining Will Shakespeare" had passed me by, and I'm not all that thrilled to find out about it now. But the redo of "Bringing Down the House" makes up for it.

Reminds me of a similar thing done with romance novel covers: http://worldoflongmire.com/features/romance_no vels/

And now I have nebulous thoughts of doing a serial chick-lit spoof about a spunky girl (in her thirties) lawyer. What do you mean, what kind of lawyer? Clearly a trial lawyer - is there any other kind? With wacky yet loveable clients! And sex with a handsome unapproachable partner who wants her desperately for some reason that's never really comprehensible!

...what does it say about me that I find this really easy to plot out?

Moving on! To conclude the "Snakes on a Plane" references I've been making over the last weeks (I promise. No more) here's the Blanks on a Blank Filmmaking Challenge: http://www.originalalamo.com/sites/2blanks/def ault.aspx A friend recommends "Giraffes on a Hot Air Balloon."


Everybody knows everyone in the blogosphere. Or the blawgosphere, at least.* The number of cross-citations between blawgs that happens every single day is amazing.

For example, let’s start over at Legal Blog Watch (http://legalblogwatch.typepad.com/legal_blog_w atch/2006/08/the_bloggers_gu.html), where Robert J. Ambrogi likes the lengthy list Paul L. Caron of TaxProf Blog has assembled of blawg literature for first year law students, and links to said links list.(http://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2006/0 8/advice_for_the_.html) On the same day, Caron also links (http://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2006/0 8/law_blog_citati.html to a law review citation study in which he is listed as one of the most linked-to legal bloggers, and does something of a “it’s an honor just to be nominated in the company of these fine bloggers” speech, linking to each. Most of which link back to him at some point. ( http://mauledagain.blogspot.com/2006_08_01_mauledagain_archi ve.html#115610787539079306)

Basic, basic stuff, I know. But reading that all the above-mentioned cross-references, I remembered seeing this article ( https://www.lawcrossing.com/article/index.php?id=1776) at LawCrossing, which states, “While one-third of Internet users say they have read one, the other two-thirds say they do not know what one is.” So…who exactly are these people, and what are they doing with their Internet usage?** Any thoughts?

* Forgive me if these terms are starting to grate with internetty cuteness. They’re also efficient.

** Besides looking for porn, I mean. Yeah, I've heard the Avenue Q soundtrack too. (http://artists.letssingit.com/avenue-q-lyrics- the-internet-is-for-porn-1lqjxvd) Honestly. You imaginary voices in my head and your dirty, dirty minds.


You know a legal sex scandal is bad when you can't even imagine it being used as a plotline on "Boston Legal." (https://www.lawcrossing.com/apfeed/lcnewsheadl ines.php?id=D8JJ01OG0@news.ap.org) The Judge apologizes for sharing this with you all, but she was compelled. The words "a whooshing sound could be heard" will be haunting her all day.


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